Wednesday, June 23, 2010

a seizure and a cemetery, fruit and some empanadas (not necessarily in that order)

Last weekend, we headed to the local (and infamous) Fería de Frutas (Fruit Fair). The Fería is an annual event held in La Guardia, the municipality home to the communities we visit every day, so of course we wanted to support. We began the day by making delicious empanadas (filled with local Menonite cheese) with Carmen.

On the bus ride to La Guardia, Amanda got a chance to save the day and get some serious nurse training. A man in the bus suddenly began having a grand mal seizure, and nobody on the bus knew him or knew what to do. As I assured the bus ¨¡Ella es enfermera!¨ (She´s a nurse!), Amanda worked on keeping the man´s airway open while trying to get him conscious using some pain stimulus after the seizure ended. In the meantime, I worked on convincing the bus driver (who didn´t even stop the bus) that the man needed to get to the hospital. The guy was in bad shape, and luckily we did manage to stage a quick exchange when both the bus and an ambulance pulled over on the side of the road as the two drivers dragged the man into the front seat of the ambulance (banging his head on the way out), and strapped him in like an average passenger. We hope the man is ok. Also, Amanda is a rockstar.

To recover from this traumatic experience, we gawked at, bought, and ate lots of fruit. Check out all those beautiful orange colors!

I have a strange love of all things cemetery, so Amanda indulged me and we spent way too long in the La Guardia cemetery. So awesome.


Timmy said...

Fun stuff guys.

Drew said...

Wowzerz, looks like you guys are quite the adventures (and heros at that!) Hopefully I'll get a chance to visit Bolivia. Ecuador is consuming me right now, however, haha.